Investment Opportunities in Malta

Malta offers excellent business opportunities, especially for those seeking to relocate. The country offers safe and comfortable living conditions, providing a stable economy and an investor-friendly climate. The island ranks as one of the best countries to move to for life and investment.

What Are the Opportunities?

Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Malta is an ideal hub to do business within the EU, Middle East and North African markets. The country has a well-developed maritime logistics business and financial services, with Authorities such as the Malta Business Registry for Company Formation and the Malta Financial Services Authority, Malta’s sole regulator for setting up Collective Investment Schemes and other licensing applications.

Malta is popular with tourists, with more than a million visiting the country annually. The tourism sector accounts for roughly a third of the country’s GDP, and real estate rentals with tourists are consistently increasing. 

There are several reasons investors find investing in Malta’s businesses profitable. The following list is not exhaustive:

  • Malta is among the most economically developed and politically stable states. Rating agencies gave Malta an A or A+ rating in 2020 despite the severe economic impact of the pandemic.
  • Several reputable, well-known corporations and large companies have settled on the island. Malta is considered an international business centre with a robust financial services sector. 
  • The Maltese government and its respective Authorities provide business support programs whilst offering tax benefits to its residents.
  • The government provides attractive residency opportunities for those individuals and their families seeking relocation. 
    • Residency Malta Agency offers international investors permanent residency rights, which apply only to non-EU / EEA / Swiss nationals.
    • Agenzija Komunita Malta administers all Maltese citizenship-related matters, including accepting and processing applications for acquiring Maltese citizenship by birth, registration, naturalisation through long-term residence, and exceptional services by merit and for exceptional services by direct investment in Malta.
    • Identity Malta Expatriates Unit is involved in legal migration and caters to processing and issuing residence documentation. This service consists of implementing the provisions of national legislation regarding the EU nationals’ freedom of movement and other regulations concerning third-country nationals’ residence documentation.
  • Starting up or relocating your business to Malta could not be more attractive. Malta offers benefits and advantages to a non-resident. The following are some main benefits that Malta can contribute to such companies:
    • Exemption from Duty on Documents.
    • Over 70 Double Taxation Treaties were signed.
    • No capital gains taxes, provided the assets do not include real estate in Malta.
    • No withholding tax for distributed dividends.
    • Numerous attractive investment schemes to incentivise incorporation.

Our team of Professionals have extensive experience and will be happy to assist with your request. For more information, please contact our Business Development team on