Malta Shines in ICS’s Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table for 2023-2024


The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) recently published its ‘Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table 2023/2024’, aiming to (i) encourage shipowners and operators to examine whether a Flag State has sufficient substance before using it and (ii) to encourage  shipowners and operators to put appropriate pressure on their Flag State Administrations to affect any necessary improvements, particularly in relation to safety of life at sea, protection of the marine environment and the provision of decent working and living conditions for seafarers.

ICS Member National Shipowners Association

The Malta International Shipowners Association (MISA) boasts a substantial amount of tonnage of various types of ships operated by reputable owners of high statute from several countries.

MISA is an active member of the European Community Shipowners’ Association and an Affiliate Member of the International Chamber of Shipping.

Port State Control Performance

Examining the collective Port State Control record of ships flying a specific Maritime Flag serves as an effective method of assessing the effective enforcement of international maritime rules.

Malta scored positive performance indicators in all aspects of Port State Control, being placed on the white-list of all three principal Port State Control authorities (the Paris MOU, the Tokyo MOU and the United States Coast Guard). Furthermore, Malta remains off the Paris MOU Black List, the Tokyo MOU Black List and USCG Target List.

Ratification of Conventions

The ratification of International Maritime Conventions provides a glimpse at a Flag State’s willingness to conform with international maritime standards in the realms of safety and the protection of maritime environment.

Malta’s ratification of all ‘core’ International Maritime Conventions (including SOLAS, MARPOL, LL66, STOW 78, ILO MLO and OLC/FUND 92) was confirmed by ILC’s Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table.

Use of Recognized Organizations in Compliance with the IMO Code for Recognized Organizations

Recognized organizations are those entities authorized to conduct inspection and survey work on behalf of the competent maritime authorities of a Flag State.

The IMO Code for Recognized Organizations sets an obligation on Flag States, requiring them (i) to establish controls over recognized organizations authorized under their authority; (ii) to ensure that recognized organizations are adequately staffed and resourced to carry out the tasks assigned; and (iii) to submit data, including a list of the recognized organizations authorized under their authority to the IMO.

ILC’s Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table confirms Malta’s compliance with the IMO Code for Recognized Organizations, including its use of high-performing recognized organizations.

Age of Fleet

ILC’s Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table indicates that the average fleet age of vessels registered in Malta falls amongst the lowest average Flag States. This confirms Malta’s hesitance to register vessels exceeding 25 years of age, unless they form part of a younger fleet of vessels.

Compliance with Reporting Requirements

Flag States are under an obligation to perform various reporting requirements to both the IMO and ILO. The ILC’s Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table confirms Malta’s compliance with reporting requirements.

Attendance at IMO Meetings

Malta’s attendance at IMO meetings (including meetings of the Maritime Safety Committee, meetings of the Marine Environment Protection Committee, and meetings of the Legal Committee) confirm Malta’s commitment to implement and enforce IMO Rules.

IMO Member State Audit

Malta successfully underwent the IMO Member State Audit, confirming its conformity with the IMO Convention and all applicable mandatory IMO Instruments.